Why Do Plumbing Issues Always Occur At The Worst Time?

You may fall victim to it, issues with your plumbing always occurring at the most inconsiderate time. If this is you, you are probably wondering why this always seems to happen. Well, let’s discuss this with you.

Issues tend to occur with your plumbing during the winter months around Christmas due to the season and weather. Within the winter months, it is colder, which can cause issues for pipework. Meaning these issues will need solving to warm up your house. Yes, it is annoying, but there’s not much that can be done. You can help by warming up your pipes within the lead up to the colder months.

You will also find that if you receive a new boiler on winter, this is when issues will occur. Boilers only have a certain life expectancy and it is likely to occur at the same time as when the boiler was installed. So, keep this in mind when you are getting a new boiler.